1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

No matter what you do you do with strength they are chivalrous and gallant people born has the pig you enjoy life and all it has to offer. Pigs can be perceived as oblivious or gullible, because they do care about others so much that they will do just about anything for a friend in need.
a few Celebrity’s under the year of the pig: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg



A bit about the Pig:
Pigs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plants and small animals. Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, excreta (including their own), garbage, and other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally, in captivity, pigs may eat their own young, often if they become severely stressed.